March 21, 2024

The Exclusive Olfactive Journey of March 21st led us to explore the alchemy that transforms the precious gifts of nature into unique olfactory experiences.

21 marzo 2024

L' Exclusive Olfactive Journey del 21 Marzo è stato un viaggio alla scoperta dell'Alchimia del nostro trasformare i preziosi doni della Natura in esperienze olfattive uniche.

from Extraction to Creation

The Art of Perfumery

On Fragrance Day 2024 LabSolue presented a new project in collaboration with MANE, a French group among the world leaders in the design of fragrances and aromas.

An Olfactory Journey to discover fragrances and their origins. In an atmosphere between art and science, MANE perfumers revealed the secret of Jungle Essence™️ technology and the magical process of transforming raw materials into essences.


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